Do you want to know how well is your marketing working?
Answer these questions and statements with YES or NO. Give yourself 1 point for each YES.
NOTE: The question is not about what you KNOW, but what you DO in your marketing efforts. If you know that you have to integrate the particular question or topic into your business, but haven’t done so yet, you don’t record a point for that question.
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My product/service is not for everyone. If you think your product is good for everybody, there is no point for this question.
I know 5 marketing channels (for example: online, offline, radio, billboards, AdWords, Facebook) where I can reach my potential customers the most. Do you know at least 5? 1 point. Under 5? No point.
I promote my business on at least 2 platforms where I can generate new leads and conversions.
My product or service is not like my competitors’, and it’s difficult to do a direct comparison of prices, as well. If the customer can easily match the prices and the product between you and your competitor, no point.
I rarely advertise sales or discounts.
I have a strong call to action (visit the store, click here, download, etc.) in every advertisement. If your ad is only about your company or your product’s features, no point.
I have a list of my customers with names, at least 2 forms of contact information, and past purchase data. If one of them is missing, you don’t get a point.
My past and current customers get a newsletter with educational content from me at least once a month. If you send out only offers, there is no point.
I collect testimonials from happy customers and use them in my ads or on my landing pages. If you don’t collect them, or don’t use them, no point.
My guarantee is stronger than my competitor’s. If your guarantee is just the basics as required by law, no point. If it’s the same as your competition, no point.
I have promotional sheets with the information from every marketing campaign, I save them, and work based on this data.
I perform market research at least once a year. What are their experiences, which media platforms they use, how they purchase, pricing comparisons, etc.
I have a campaign calendar where I set up all the marketing campaigns and their cost at least 6 months ahead. You can change the marketing plan as you are go, for example, adding new elements or reducing others – based on the campaign measurements.
Do you use at least one Lead Magnet? (Subscribe to our mailing list is NOT a Lead Magnet)
14 points: Congratulations! Your marketing foundation is rock solid. But you still can benefit from the 100 Marketing Tips – For Everyday Marketing video course, with 100 marketing tips and over 10 hours of presentations.
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Less than 14 points? You can do better. “100 Marketing Tips – For Everyday Marketing” is for you! You will find 100 techniques and tips to make your marketing better.
For example, for questions 1, 2 and 3: If your answer would be yes for all, you would have a monthly minimum income that you can build on.
Or for 4, 5, and 6 – if you answer yes to these, you can double or even triple your sales.
And questions 8, 9, and 10? If you do these things right, your business will continuously grow over the next 1-5-20 years.
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And there are other questions. A lot of questions. But these are the most important ones: if you don’t have 14 points, your business is not performing at its best, and your profit is just a fraction of what it could be.
Click on the image below to get 95% off, and enroll in the 100 Marketing Tips course and learn how to take care of all of these 14 questions, and many more.